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Want to buy/sale a property at bhubaneswar? Contact-09938083400. - Bhubaneswar
Friday, 23 September, 2011
Item details
Bhubaneswar, Orissa
Offer type:
Rs 2,000,000
Land Square, m²:2000
Item description
Dear sir/mam,
do you want to buy/sale your property at bhubaneswar city. Please contact us to get buy/sell informations with our buy/sale information services. We have a vast nri, local, capitalist clients club where both buyers & sellers are available for a clean deal. We connect buyers to sellers & sellers to buyers by giving regular positive informations for bhubaneswar properties. We reduce the communication gap between the buyers & sellers. We are claiming a nominal surcharges to both buyers & sellers that to after your deal is finalised. *(for special services to make your deals more faster, we charges rs. 1100/- with 6 months valdity & 99 % deal confirmations to give you more effective news). For this genuinity we have a vast happy cleints club. We are providing residential, commercial, high value, small scale, industrial, institutional, apartment, flats, core houses, sharing properties informations to our clients for a safe & positive deal with their own supervisions. For sellers- please submit your indivisual dispute free property's details, time horizons, property's status, legal document copies, proof of ownership, current residence proof to our e-mail id, so that we can produce you a correct & appropriate buyer for your property. For buyers- please submit your required plot size, desired locations, types of lands you required, price range so that we can produce you a accurate property as per your enquiry. Buyers are requested to keep patience & stay with us for a good deal. So please contact us for a good deal- satyabrata rath, bhubaneswar,09938083400. E-mail- srath1527@gmail. Com. For sweet sweet happy happy deals we are allways at your service. Thank you. T&c- we don't accept the disputed property's entries. If we found that our clients are facing problems with disputed property's informations provided by the sellers, we immedietly stop their services & will not proceed any more. Our service is only for neat & clean indivisual property's buy/sale purposes. We are not entertaining to the brokers. Service charges are applicable for both buyers & sellers with a equal ratio & will be charged at the time of sale deed. *special service are more effective than general services which's charges are applicable at the time of begining of the service & to be deposited in our icici bank account refered by the service provider. Clients are requested to maintain privacy of our property's news. Please verify all papers from your own sources before confirm your deals. Always give attentions to our service sms. Thank you.
do you want to buy/sale your property at bhubaneswar city. Please contact us to get buy/sell informations with our buy/sale information services. We have a vast nri, local, capitalist clients club where both buyers & sellers are available for a clean deal. We connect buyers to sellers & sellers to buyers by giving regular positive informations for bhubaneswar properties. We reduce the communication gap between the buyers & sellers. We are claiming a nominal surcharges to both buyers & sellers that to after your deal is finalised. *(for special services to make your deals more faster, we charges rs. 1100/- with 6 months valdity & 99 % deal confirmations to give you more effective news). For this genuinity we have a vast happy cleints club. We are providing residential, commercial, high value, small scale, industrial, institutional, apartment, flats, core houses, sharing properties informations to our clients for a safe & positive deal with their own supervisions. For sellers- please submit your indivisual dispute free property's details, time horizons, property's status, legal document copies, proof of ownership, current residence proof to our e-mail id, so that we can produce you a correct & appropriate buyer for your property. For buyers- please submit your required plot size, desired locations, types of lands you required, price range so that we can produce you a accurate property as per your enquiry. Buyers are requested to keep patience & stay with us for a good deal. So please contact us for a good deal- satyabrata rath, bhubaneswar,09938083400. E-mail- srath1527@gmail. Com. For sweet sweet happy happy deals we are allways at your service. Thank you. T&c- we don't accept the disputed property's entries. If we found that our clients are facing problems with disputed property's informations provided by the sellers, we immedietly stop their services & will not proceed any more. Our service is only for neat & clean indivisual property's buy/sale purposes. We are not entertaining to the brokers. Service charges are applicable for both buyers & sellers with a equal ratio & will be charged at the time of sale deed. *special service are more effective than general services which's charges are applicable at the time of begining of the service & to be deposited in our icici bank account refered by the service provider. Clients are requested to maintain privacy of our property's news. Please verify all papers from your own sources before confirm your deals. Always give attentions to our service sms. Thank you.